Producer Bellamkonda Suresh who jacked up the pay cheques of Ileana and Samanta and catapulted them to Rs. 1 crore league with (Bhale Dongalu and Jabhardast respectively) has now reportedly given director V V Vinayak a vacant plot worth more than Rs. 10 crores, as the director agreed to launch his son Srinivas in a big way.
For the first time, Vinayak has touched the 10 crore mark and joined the elite club of Puri Jagananth, Rajamouli and Trivikram Srinivas and raised the bar on remunerations of Telugu film directors and that’s quite unhealthy trend, considering the limited market for T-town movies, but Bellamkonda definitely had a big reason to dig deep into his pockets, since he was to give his son a dream luanch and director of Adurs is the right man for that job. No two ways about it.