The friendship and heart warmth bonding between producer Bellamkonda Suresh and director VV Vinayak is pretty much known to Telugu audience. They began the journey together with ‘Aadi’ giving life to junior ntr. Later on, Vinayak even introduced Suresh’s son Sai Sreenivas as hero with super hit ‘Alludu Seenu.’ Currently, Bellamkonda family is occupied with the release of junior ntr ‘Rabhasa’ scheduled for 29th of this month.
As Bellamkonda wanted VV Vinayak’s hand even in ‘Rabhasa,’ he requested the star director to add the voice-over and the latter accepted it. Movie takes off with Vinayak’s voice-over and later on the story rolls on. Samanta, Pranitha are heroines in the picture directed by Santosh Srinivas. Story of the movie is a rare mix of action, romance, family emotions and punching dialogues of NTR style.