Young Tiger NTR’s silver jubilee film under Sukumar’s direction Nannaku Prematho released as a Sankranthi treat amidst heavy expectations from fans. On the opening day, the film released to mixed reviews and average word of mouth, causing a few initial jitters among the film’s makers and fans.
While everyone were predicting that Nannaku Prematho may not withstand the heavy Sankranthi box-office clash and will end up as an average fare, director VV Vinayak was the first person to call up Sukumar and instill confidence in him.
Apparently, VV Vinayak, soon after Nannaku Prematho’s first show, called up Sukumar and told him that the film will get mixed talk initially and also asked him not to lose hope since the film will surely pick up in no time and garner decent collections.
Making VV Vinayak’s prediction come true, the film has successfully sustained the divide talk and already collected 42 crore share in just 7 days and is now racing ahead to enter the 50 crore club. It is well known that Sukumar was a former assistant director to VV Vinayak on the latter’s 2003 hit, Dil.