Virat, Leave Anushka, Think About Me


Publicity hungry model of Pakistan, Quandeel Baloch is trying her best to be on news again. After her tweets on Virat Kohli after India Pakistan match in T20 Worldcup, Quandeel Baloch is back with her video asking Virat to dump Anushka and think about her instead. In her video, she says that Virat is charming and handsome, says she loves him and urges to leave Anushka sharma for her. Earlier she made the similar tweets on her twitter account, but they went unnoticed, hence a video this time.

Quandeel Baloch emerged as Pakistan’s Poonam pandey, with her strip promises and dirty videos to gain publicity. She promised to shed her clothes to be naked if Pakistan wins a match against India and tried to grab a headline with her dirty comments on Afridi. Neither Virat nor Afridi care to comment and it is just media that is making her a ‘celebrity’ in the end.

Arshi Khan and Quandeel Baloch have come under spotlight using T20 worldcup to the optimum. Arshi Khan earlier claimed having sex with Afridi and recently she reveals to be pregnant with Afridi’s baby. Poonam Pandey has gone silent these days after extracting the maximum publicity with these stunts. Let’s see when Quandeel Baloch will stop these acts.