Manchu Vishnu, who is currently in Slovenia country shooting songs for his upcoming film ‘Doosukeltha’, is unable to walk in the evenings after the shoot. The reason behind this is, the ‘Denikaina Ready’ star is working hard on his dance moves under the supervision of choreographer Prem Rakshit master. Seems like Prem Rakshit has composed some difficult dance moves and Vishnu appears to be sweating out and breaking his bones to get them perfect on screen. “I am very close of hating dance master Prem Raksith. I am barely able to walk in the evenings after shoot with him,” tweeted Vishnu.
Andhala Rakshasi fame Lavanya is pairing up with Vishnu in this movie. This project will be produced by Vishnu himself on his 24 frames factory banner. Sarvesh Murari is handling the camera while ‘Melody Brahma’ Mani Sharma is composing music. Mohan Babu will be presenting it. More details on this project later.