According to a highly-placed source, director Kumar Nagendra has first narrated the story of Joru to actor Vishnu Manchu but for various reasons Vishnu didn’t take up the film and it eventually went on to Sundeep Kishan. “While shooting for Gundelloo Godari, Vishnu happened to get know about young director Kumar Nagendra and got impressed with his talent.
So when Kumar told him that he is working on a script for young hero, Vishnu reportedly envinced interest and assured to do the film if its refreshing, but when he finally listened to the completed script, ‘he felt like deja vu and declined it gently, diplomatically,” said a source in the know.
Vishnu has reportedly declined to do the comic-centric script of “Joru” since its almost similar to his earlier hits like “Dhee” or “Dhenikaina Ready” where Brahmi takes the centre-stage and the format also all-familiar as it’s based on Sreenu Vytla style. But actor Sundeep felt it had some ‘freshness’ and took it up. Whether, Vishnu’s decision was ‘wise’ or ‘unwise’, we’ll get to know soon.