Varun Sandesh and Vithika Sheru are a reel & real-life couple. To cash the craze that the couple enjoys in the public, the organizers of Bigg Boss TV show have got them on board as the housemates in the third season. Though Varun is having his set of followers on social media, there is not much of a noise about Vithika. Vithika is also projected as a weak contestant in the house. She survived in the house for three successive weeks and even jumped the nominations during the fourth week to be in the safe zone.
The chemistry between Varun and Vithika is helping the organizers to gain some TRP’s. Surprisingly, Vithika looks pretty smart in the house than Varun and he got cheated by the other housemates more than once. Already, during the captaincy task last week, Sreemukhi robbed the money from Varun Sandesh’s pocket so easily. Varun was left shocked with the way Sreemukhi robbed him.
Similarly, int he captaincy task on Tuesday, Mahesh Vitta has stolen a Dragon Egg from Varun Sandesh. Varun has to protect the egg but because he couldn’t do it properly, Mahesh snatched it away from him without any effort. Those who watched this can clearly come to an opinion that Varun does not have the smartness to play the game.
After Mahesh snatched the egg from Varun, he is declared out and the actor left the garden area. At the same time, Vithika who is waiting for Varun said that Varun is a fruit. The conversation went pretty normal and Vithika told Varun that he is nothing but fruit in the game that he failed to give a tough fight. Varun was a little hurt with the way he lost the game and the comments that followed but he took it in a sportive manner.