Earlier there was talk that ‘mega’ director VV Vinayak developed differences with Mega Family and hence he is not being seen or heard in those circles. As this most acclaimed masala film maker was not present at audio launch of Govindudu Andarivadele, gossips got wings and with his name tagged with Akkineni Akhil’s debut it got confirmed that Vinayak distanced from Mega camp.
The other day however when Vinayak took stage by a storm with his compliments on mega heroes at ‘Pilla Nuvvuleni Jeevitham’ music release event, he has given a befitting reply to all the rumors. He stated that almost all the heroes in Mega camp have Megastar Chiru’s face-cuts, body language and humble nature. Probably Vinayak is the only director at the venue who showcased his admiration towards Megastar with the best of words. Maybe he will direct the much hyped 150th flick of Chiru or he may not, but the Mega-Vinayak bonding goes on.