From a couple of days, veteran heroine and diva Madhuri Dixit started receiving threatening messages on her phone. The alleged sender called himself as a side-kick of mafia don Chota Rajan and demanded an astronomical sum or otherwise he threatened to kill her sons. As the name of a mafia-don being pulled into it, our senior heroine knocked the doors of police after which it is found that the message sender works as a waiter at a hotel.
23 year old Praveen Kumar Pardhan, a waiter by profession, has threatened to kill Madhuri Dixit’s sons through his text messages. On November 25th morning at 3’0 clock, Madhuri received these sms and police have captured Praveen the other day. After being caught by police, Praveen confessed to his crime and is currently being interrogated if he has any real links with underworld.
A source revealed that he has trained 15 year old boy to handle weapons to barge into Madhuri’s house for extorting money. Using a juvenile for a crime is an idea being implemented by mafia from a while. We have to see what police will find out.