YSR Congress senior leader Konatala Rama Krishna said he would support any decision taken by the party chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy on the admission of Dadi Veerabhadra Rao who just left the TDP.
Talking to the media here on Friday, he said he came to know that Dadi would be meeting Jagan on Saturday and added that he was appealing to the party cadres to wait for Jagan’s decision and not to lose their patience. He said such incidents were common in new parties.
It may be recalled that some followers of Konatala were opposing the admission of Dadi. Dadi is reportedly asking Anakapalli seat to his son Ratnakar. Followers of Konatala who have been trying for the seat are angry that a new entrant was trying to snatch away the seat, while they have been serving the party ever since its inception.