Waiting To Hear From Chiranjeevi!


Despite none of us know exactly what happened behind the doors in denying the permission for ‘Khaidi No 150’ pre release function at Vijayawada Indira Gandhi Municipal Ground and KL University, various versions are in circulation targeting TDP and its Government in Andhra Pradesh. However, the event is finally happening at Haailand Mini Grounds and that’s happy news for Mega Fans.

Meanwhile, Mega Fans are expecting Chiranjeevi to comment on big stage elucidating the precise factors which led to function’s postponement and hardships behind locking appropriate venue. If at all Mega Star really opens his mouth on this contentious point, friction between GPSK and KN 150 will not be the same.

Apparently, media is populating new stories everyday on how both the parties are trying for an upper hand in blocking maximum release screens mooting the support from Fans. Next one week, temperatures are sure to soar high in the ongoing peak winter season.