Senior actor Venkatesh’s ‘Babu Bangaram’ is going to hit the marquee this Friday amidst huge expectations. As the trailers impressed the audience big time, trade experts say that this film will be a successful venture. But, Sai Dharam Tej’s ‘Thikka’ which is competing with Venky’s film is suffering from low promotions.
The entire focus is on ‘Babu Bangaram’ that ‘Thikka’ is completely ignored. The advance booking of both these films shows the difference. Though Sai Dharam scored two bback-to-back hits with ‘Subramanyam for Sale’ and ‘Supreme’, the expectations are quite low on ‘Thikka’. The makers need to take care of promotions as films like ‘Manamantha’ which got positive talk is suffering from poor collections due to low publicity.
But, the team ‘Thikka’ are pretty confident on the film’s content. The film is directed by Sunil Reddy, who delivered a disaster like ‘Om 3D’ earlier. Thaman’s music too got good response. We need to wait till 13th to know what happens.