Bollywood’s highly anticipated film “Brahmastra” failed to live up to its hype at the box office, despite the aggressive promotions and a star-studded cast, featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. The movie, directed by Ayaan Mukherjee and presented by SS Rajamouli, was expected to be a blockbuster, competing with Baahubali and KGF series.
However, the film’s collections of ₹430+ crores gross worldwide have not been enough to recover its staggering budget. To make matters worse, Ayaan Mukherjee’s script work for Brahmastra’s sequels, Part 2 and Part 3, is taking longer than expected.
The director has now decided to move on to Yash Raj Film’s spy universe, where he will be directing the highly anticipated sequel to the blockbuster hit “WAR,” starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff.
While there is no confirmation on Tiger’s presence in the film, Ayaan has stated that he will release Brahmastra 2 in 2026, leaving him plenty of time to make another film in between. This decision by Ayaan has left many wondering about the fate of the Brahmastra franchise.
However, the director seems confident that he will deliver a worthy sequel to the hit film. While the reasons for Brahmastra’s failure are unclear, the film’s lackluster performance at the box office has sent shockwaves through Bollywood. Nevertheless, the industry remains hopeful that Ayaan Mukherjee’s future projects will bring in the desired success.