Vikram I movie sensations have been started. The film’s teaser which released recently opened to overwhelming response. Now makers have unveiled the making video of the Ai and in one word it is Unbelievable. It’s for sure, one can’t stop watching the video in repeat mode to understand the beauty in visuals, oddness in concept completely and also to please the film lover in them.
The making video won’t narrate the film’s story as Shankar wants to keep spectators guessing until release. Vikram is seen in numerous getups and Shankar was all praise of his hero for his dedication. Shankar explains the reasons behind choosing ‘I’ as a title and how crucial body builder role has been for the movie.
Both Shankar and Vikram explain about the action sequences shot with Chinese Experts. Like Shankar’s earlier films I also has extensive visual effects handled by Hollywood best technicians. The visuals we have seen in teaser are just sample as movie features more high quality graphics.Everybody who were associated with ‘I’ in some way or other feels its an International film and they were proud to be part of it. No doubt after watching the making video you also say that it was above Hollywood!