As we know, Priyanka Chopra performed her Karvachauth rituals at the backstage of Jonas Brothers’ concert and the pictures on the same has been shared the actress. With not even much time to digest the fact that their love is unimaginable massive, here comes another moment that is making fans go gaga.
At Jonas Brothers’ concert, Priyanka and her sister-in-law Danielle are standing in the VIP cabins of the auditorium. Just then, brothers Nick, Joe and Kevin, who were singing a song, got down into the audience and Nick is seen kissing Priyanka like a twinkling of an eye. The moment has just been too awesome to witness. Also, Nick’s gesture brought happy tears to the couple’s fans.
On the other hand, Kevin went on to hold his wife Danielle’s hand and kiss her. The video is now doing rounds on the internet and it is worth playing on loop. Since Joe’s wife, Sophie Turner did not attend the concert, Joe is seen pretending to kiss a man from the audience, leaving hilarious moments.