Young actor Vijay Devarakonda turned out to be an overnight star with the film Arjun Reddy. The way he was presented and the performance he delivered made Arjun Reddy one of the finest films of Telugu cinema.
However the overdose of lip locks and cuss words did not go well with a section of audience. The censor board chopped off some of the words and episodes and television premiere will rarely have them on small screen.
Arjun Reddy makers chopped off the film for an hour even before the release however now the complete film will be available on Amazon Prime videos. The episodes trimmed by the censor board and the makers too will be available online.
Directed by Sandeep Vanga, Arjun Reddy raked Rs 30 crores after it has been made on a budget close to Rs 5 crores. Amazon Prime subscribers will have this golden opportunity to watch the complete version of Arjun Reddy.