Director Prasanth Varma who shot to fame with “Awe” has admitted that his second film “Kalki” didn’t meet expectations of multiplex audiences in A Centers. He also agreed with the critics. “If I had to write the review of Kalki, I would have written the same way the critics wrote that the first half is not good but it came well in the second half,” he mentioned.
“Kalki” starring Rajasekhar in the direction of Prasanth Varma didn’t set cash registers ringing though both of their previous films “Garuda Vega” and “Awe” respectively were hits.
Prasanth also agreed that he re-shot Kalki many times to meet the market demands. It was originally developed as web series but he took this concept to Rajasekhar.“When the trailer and teaser were received great response, we shot again and had added more action stunts,” he explained. This overt commercialization was the main reason that critics didn’t like.
Prasanth Varma has hiked the budget of “Kalki” as well as “Awe” resulting strain on producers. He dismisses these allegations.“Kalki’s budget was decided collectively. So I should not be blamed for the budget hike,” he reasoned.
“I have already narrated couple of stories to various big heroes. My next film will start rolling within next two months,” he revealed.