Sampath Kumar, who said to have bought the theatrical rights of Pawan Kalyan’s last film Sardaar Gabbar Singh, called for a press conference on Monday and leveled seriously allegations against producer Sharrath Marar and the film’s executive producer MSR alias Sreenivas.
Alleging that he lost nearly Rs 2 Crore on the film, Sampath said he was promised to compensate the loss with the actor’s next film Katamarayudu. According to Sampath, Sreenivas of Pawan’s office had told him that he’d be given Pawan’s next film Katamarayudu and asked him to meet him in February first week. However, Sampath said that he felt dejected when he’s been trying to approach them since January last week.
“I’ve been calling them but none of them are answering my calls. I left messages and no replies to the messages even. Neither producer Sharrath Marar nor executive producer Sreenivas are responding positively. 2 Crore loss is unbearable for an ordinary man like me. Any one in my position would commit suicide,” Sampath shared his woes. He added that Sreenivas had told him to contact Eros from whom he had bought the film.
“I was told to contact Eros after 1 year. Then why was I promised of Katamarayudu rights? Only because of Pawan sir, I bought the film. Even I signed the agreement without reading anything keeping only Pawan sir in my mind,” added Sampath.
“I had even tried to meet Pawan Kalyan sir at his party office and tried for his appointment. I was turned down and denied appointment stating that Pawan wouldn’t talk about films in his party office. We even approached through Film Chamber. When a few have spoken to Sreenivas about me, he threatened me of serious consequences. Sreenivas even called my friend in Mumbai and told him that I’d have to face the consequences,” he said.
Claiming fan of Pawan Kalyan, Sampath said that he wants justice from Pawan and alleged that Pawan’s aides are “using” him and making profits out of Pawan’s film. Sampath said that he bought the rights of SGS for Krishna district for Rs 4.5 Crore from Eros International and as the film garnered around 2.58 Crore share, it incurred nearly 1.8 Crore loss.