Already, Andhra Pradesh’s CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu is neck deep into water wars with his arch rival and Telangana CM KCR over the allocation of the waters and construction of various projects on the Godavari and Krishna rivers.Now, Chandrababu has found himself into yet another water war with his Tamil Nadu counterpart J Jayalalithaa. Recently, Jayalalithaa wrote a strongly worded to Chandrababu expressing severe concerns over Babu’s decision to increase the height of the check dam across Palar river at Perumballam village in Chithoor District near the Andhra-Tamil Nadu border.
The Tamil Nadu CM came down heavily at Babu and the Andhra Pradesh irrigation department for causing widespread panic in Tamil Nadu and warned of a strong protest against the Babu government. In her letter, Jayaa said that Palar is a River which is already deficient in water supply. This river supports an ayacut of about 4.20 lakh acres in Tamil Nadu. Farmers in the Northern Districts of Tamil Nadu are solely dependent upon this River for irrigation and for drinking water supply to several towns and villages in the Northern Districts of Tamil Nadu.
Jaya further pointed out that on February 10, 2006, the Government of Tamil Nadu filed a suit in the Supreme Court seeking to prevent the AP government from constructing any structure across the Palar River in violation of the Madras-Mysore Agreement, 1892.Jayaa has also requested Chandrababu to personally intervene in the matter and pass the instructions to the irrigation officials to take quick and appropriate steps to bring the level of the check dam back to its original level.