Trolling director Sreenu Vytla for the result of ‘Aagadu’ many fans have uttered disgusting comments during a ‘live’ talk show aired on popular news channel Sakshi. Apparently few fans of Mahesh commented that movie resembled watching ‘Dookudu’ on a DVD version. Also they have expressed concern that they are unable to raise their heads high in esteem in front of Pawan Kalyan fans. As the video is now doing rounds everywhere on social network, let us if these kind of ‘obsessed’ fans are any good for cinema.
Movies are to be watched for entertainment, but not for waging war and scoring points over fans of other heroes. Isn’t it? Also the industry-hit record of ‘Attarintiki Daredi’ might not get shattered for years like a ‘Magadheera’ stood in top 4 years. Does that mean, fans of all heroes will not be raising their heads forever in front of these mega heroes? Racism, casteism and now this ‘fanism’ are senseless rubbish born out of ego and unwanted comparisons. Hope, fans will come out of this. Hits and flops are part and parcel of cinema, and this is no India-Pakistan war to feel bad as if India has lost some ‘land’ in dispute. Fans! ‘Please Update!!’