The Budget session of Telangana Legislative Assembly, which kick started on Nov 5 and will continue up to Nov 23, witnessed anxious moments on Monday (Nov 10). While KCR lashed out at his counterpart Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu and blamed him for the “acute power crisis” in the state, and also held previous Congress government in United Andhra Pradesh responsible for it, leaders of Opposition took on KCR and government.
Especially, TDP senior leader and Kodangal MLA Revanth Reddy made it clear to TRS, “You may get political advantage by blaming Naidu for everything. But that doesn’t help the people of Telangana in anyway. It’s time for government to take proactive steps to help farmers.”
Meanwhile, KCR assured in he house on record, “Within 3 years, there will be no power cuts in Telangana. We’re already working in that front.” Reacting to KCR’s statement, Revanth Reddy said, “If you does it, we (TDP) will do a Palabhishekham for KCR. If he can’t he should apologise in the floor of the house.”