Cabinet Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore made sensational comments when a national media house asked him about what NDA government has done all these 15 months to catch India’s most wanted man Dawood Ibrahim.
“India will never neglect in catching our enemies. We have full information of Mumbai Bomb Blasts prime culprit Dawood’s movements, although are waiting for nod from government and will soon finish him off. We are going to implement a special operation, but not a covert operation to execute ‘D’ gang and the leader. Problem with covert operation is we don’t get to reveal any details to public.” said the minister.
Earlier, several retired officials faced criticism for proclaiming of implementing covert operations to slay Dawood Ibrahim. These kinds of statements boost up Pakistan’s assessment of India killing their own people without much probing into the issue. Intelligence department too opined the same. It is to be seen how people will react to Rajyavardhan’s remarks!