National Award Filmmaker Krish Jagarlamudi will soon tie the knot to a Hyderabad-based doctor, Ramya.V. Our reliable sources said that Krish’s mother arranged this marriage and the couple has liked each other.
After the success of ‘Kanche’, Krish started working for Nandamuri Balakrishna’s 100th film ‘Gautamiputra Satakarni’. This wedding news might come as a surprise for the movie lovers, but Krish has already revealed the news to his close friends and well-wishers within the film industry.
‘Krish has been working hard from the beginning of his career and he never took a break. Krish has promised to his mother that he would marry after ‘Kanche’ and the wedding is likely to take place in the month of August 2016′ said the source. More details about this wedding will be revealed very soon.