We’ve Waited 70 Years For You!!!

That would be the warmest ever dialogue anyone has ever told to our very own Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But it’s true. Despite sharing 25 years of diplomatic relations and Israel being the greatest support to India in terms of police training and others, never an Indian PM visited that country. No doubt, Modi has done an unthinkable.

Other day, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has received Narendra Modi straight at the airport giving him a red-carpet reception. This kind of welcome was given only to American President and Pope till date by the Israeli authorities, said officials. Immediately after Modi landed in Tel Aviv airport and received, Netanyahu said, “We have waited 70 years for you. Aapka Swagat Hai Mer Dost”.

Modi, who is on a 3-day visit to Israel, will be accompanied by the Israeli premier all the time throughout these days. Upon such a warm welcome, even Modi responded in Hebrew, saying, “Shalom, I’m happy to be here”. In this meet, Benjamin Netanyahu showered praises on Indian culture and Make In India policy.

And guess what, in view of an Indian PM’s first visit to Israel that was formed in 1948, a fastest growing flower in that country, Israeli Chrysanthemum, is now named MODI, in our PM’s honour.