MS Rajasekhar Reddy made his debut as a director with Nithiin’s latest venture ‘Macherla Niyojakavargam’. He may not be a known name but he is well-known inside the film industry as editor SR Sekhar. People might have seen in his title in many popular films in Tollywood. He revealed in an interview that he worked as an editor for over 50 films.
With this experience, he penned a story and convinced Nithiin. That is ‘Macherla Niyojakavargam’ which came out on 12th August. We all know the negativity he faced before the film’s release. He was bashed on social media under the accusation of hurting Kamma, Kapu communities as well as Telugu Desham Party and Jana Sena party. He is reportedly a YSRCP follower. All these unnecessary issues took a toll on the film’s result.
Haters of this director created hashtags that demanded people not to watch this film. They spread a lot of negativity on the film due to which the openings were not that great. It has been almost decided that ‘Macherla Niyojakavargam’ is a disaster and there were empty sets in many theatres on the first day itself. It is tough to get a second opportunity in Tollywood if the first film fails. Also, Sekhar failed to show his identity or brilliance at any point in ‘Macherla Niyojakavargam’ movie.
People who make such routine movies are not being given chances nowadays. On top of that, there is a lot of negativity surrounding him on social media. A few sections of people are very angry on him even after the director giving an explanation. Experts say that it is highly unlikely for the editor turned director to get another chance has he failed to showcase his talent as well as managed to gain a lot of negativity. Many say that he may go back to being an editor once again. Let us wait and see what happens.