Right after his marriage festivities, Nani had bought a life size painting of Kamal Hassan from actor Kamal Kamaraju who is a well known painter too. It was reported that six months ago, Nani met Kamal at a private event and in general conversation, Nani asked him if he could come up with a painting for his home theatre. And knowing that Nani is a big fan of Universal actor Kamal Haasan and would often rave about the movie Kshatriya Putrudu, Kamal Kamaraju decided to paint Nani’s matinee idol in his fave avatar.
Finally, the painting was ready and delivered to Nani. This painting was reportedly the talk of the Tollywood now and many socialites have approached Kamal Kamaraju with similar requests. We hear that a prominent lady in the city has asked Kamal to do a life-size painting of Nagarjuna from the film Manmadhudu.