Actor Charan Raj is in news for wrong reasons as he was spotted carrying a pistol into Kanipakkam Ganapathi temple on holy Ganesh Chaturthi day. Although the actor claims that it was not “deliberate” but just “mistake”, and even produces documents for his “licensed” pistol, there are many suspicions on his act.
He had told media, “I drove from Chennai to Kanipakkam this morning and reached the temple at 6.30 am. I went inside the temple in a hurry without removing the gun pouch. It was only after coming out of the temple, I realised that I had carried the pistol. I did it without knowing. I’d like to apologise as it’s my mistake.”
When Charan was in “Sri Ganesha Deeksha”, how can he carry pistol in first place? What is the need of carrying gun during a peaceful deeksha? And when cops asked him to present for inquiry, the actor requested cops that he had “some medical emergency” in Chennai and he left the place by saying he will attend before police next week. And Charan also “thanked” media for “free-publicity”. Looks like, Charan is hiding something. Isn’t it? More details will emerge only after detailed police inquiry.