Mega Powerstar Ram Charan isn’t revealing any details about his upcoming projects but surely he is creating flutters with his fashion sense these days. The other day when he attended the Stars Cricket Match at Vijayawada city, the most talked about aspect is his new Mushroom Haircut. Have you observed it, if you hadn’t, here goes the detail.
Sporting a short haircut, trimmed at the edges and maintained length on the top, this is called Mushroom haircut which was once a super hit. Though it belongs to the 90s era, Ram Charan is caught showcasing it with macho look. Earlier Charan trimmed it to a navy-cut and now just after weeks he changed that to Mushroom cut. Is Charan playing a character that relates to 90s backdrop in his upcoming movie? Otherwise why did the fashion icon of present era starts sporting such an old look? Doubts apart, Charan is looking uber cool, isn’t he?