WhatsApp had recently released a new feature for the messaging platform with a new font called FixedSys. The font can be used in a similar way that was revealed for the earlier font styles—Bold, Strikeout and Italics. The next big update and most awaited feature on WhatsApp is video calling.
However, new information from Neurogadget reveals that WhatsApp is also working on a two-factor verification feature which is a big security must-have for WhatsApp users. Till date, we can only authenticate the app with our own mobile number, but this can be misused in different ways. Since WhatsApp can be activated even if you don’t have the SIM card on the same phone, it could be a cause for concern for many.
The information comes in after the new beta APK released by WhatsApp was scrutinized. The codes reveal four new files being added to WhatsApp, which are related to the two-factor authentication feature. They are as follows:
The information comes in after it was seen that the new released WhatsApp 2.16.183 APK was larger by 178Kb and comes with 3,700 files within.
Developers at WhatsApp haven’t revealed anything about it. This could probably mean that they are testing it internally for now and will release and reveal it later to public. There are many people who have been asking for the authentication feature, which is already seen in other competitive apps, which is a security must-have. It seems that WhatsApp developers are now forced to implement the two-factor authentication on the messaging platform too.
However, since there is no information on the said security feature, we are still not sure on how the two-factor authentication will be used here. WhatsApp does not work on any account username or password or is not linked to any email address. The upcoming feature could bring in an email ID link and also could help users deactivate their WhatsApp Ids in case they plan to discontinue their phone numbers or if they lose their handsets.
If you want to be the first to test the feature, and all the upcoming features on WhatsApp, before the app is finally released to public, you need to be a beta tester. If you want to WhatsApp become a beta tester, click here to immediately enrol yourself.