The most awaited feature in Facebook-owned WhatsApp Messenger has been rolled out officially. In its latest upgrade, the app allows users to make group voice calls and group video calls and it’s now open to users. Voice and Video calling feature was already available in the WhatsApp but the it has now got an enhancement – from just two participants to four participants.
Now that the new upgrade allows upto 4 people to be on single video call, the company said all the calls are end-to-end encrypted. As per the company’s latest report, WhatsApp counts 1.5 billion users every month and around 2 billion minutes of calls happen every day. In order to add new people to the call, one has to click the ‘add participant’ button on top right corner. This enhanced feature will work under slow network conditions too.
Apart from WhatsApp, Skyke allows group calls upto 25 people, Facebook messenger supports upto 50, Snap Chat extends to 16 participants and Apple’s FaceTime reportedly allows 32 people at a time once the iOS 12 is launched.