WhatsApp to release new feature ‘Chatting with’ isn’t true


Netizens woke up to a fake message/information about a new feature to be introduced by WhatsApp being circulating around the internet. The rumour mentions that WhatsApp is going to start ‘Chatting with’ feature, which will enable everyone to know who you are chatting with. It will also allow you to see who your contacts are chatting with in real time. After the ‘Blue Ticks’ feature caused enough issues, WhatsApp’s ‘Chatting with’ feature could be a disaster.

Well, the information on the new WhatsApp feature is a fake and there is no confirmation from WhatsApp or from any other media reports about the introduction of this feature. The eerie WhatsApp feature that is said to be introduced was sent across a few social media channels along with a screenshot of the WhastApp screen where it shows the information about whom the contact is chatting with.

Media reports mention that photo in the message seems to be doctored (photoshopped) and the information is false. The rumor went viral early this week, creating a panic amongst WhatsApp users. As for now, there are no reports about WhatsApp implementing this feature.