Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha’s alleged affair has always been the hot topic to discuss and this time the Bachchan Bahu, Aishwarya has done something unimaginable by calling Rekha ‘Maa’ during the recent Stardust Awards.
The Jazbaa actor called Rekha as her ‘maa’ in front of the audience during the function. The show which broadcasted on January 10 saw some great performances and this statement shocked not only the live audience but also the viewers watching the show at home.
The former model was awarded the Power Packed Performer title for her amazing comeback in Sanjay Gupta’s Jazbaa from the beauty queen Rekha. It was at this time that Aishwarya said, “It’s great to receive it from maa.”
Rekha then replied, “I hope I can give it to you for many more years.” The award show turned out to be even more shocking when Jaya Bachchan and Rekha were seen hugging out their differences and greeting each other cordially.