Opening ceremony of the second edition of India Super League was a grand gala with biggies like Sachin Tendulakr, Amitabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Mukesh Ambani, Alia Bhatt and etc attending the glittery affair hosted by Bollywood young actor Arjun Kapoor. When the host announced the entry of superstar Rajinikanth, the crowd went gaga.
Rajinikanth was brought on a topless vintage car and the sound of the spectators kept rising as the car came near the stage. Best and surprising moment at the event was, Aishwarya Rai touching Superstar’s feet as mark of respect. When Aish reached the podium, she bent down and touched Rajinikanth’s feet despite the company of other living legends like Amitabh and Sachin.
Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai Jodi delivered biggest hit in South with Robo (Enthiran in Tamil). While, Rajini is presently shooting for Kabali, Aish is waiting for the release of her comeback movie Jazbaa. Will Shankar rope in Aishwarya Rai for Robo sequel or bring in other actor for lead heroine role opposite Rajinikanth?