Apart from his own party leaders and the public of his own state, Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu is getting a galore of appreciations in the state of Telangana too. In their latest meeting, the NGOs of Telangana have gone praising Naidu while criticizing their chief minister KCR. The comparison was done in the issues of fitment increment and also regularizing the agitation period.
“With so much of deficit and no funds at disposal, Naidu has given 39% fitment for his employees. On the other hand, our KCR has gone with 43% fitment and that too with so much of surplus revenue in hand,” said an NGO. “Naidu has managed to lift off all the cases filed on the public of Andhra Pradesh within few months of coming into power. Even after one year of Telangana state formation, KCR is still struggling to lift the cases filed on us during the time of separate state agitations,” said the NGOs.
The NGOs have also expressed their dissent towards KCR for not considering the 42 days agitation and the loss of pay happened for the government employees during the same. They compared it with the government of AP’s decision to pay 80% of the employees pay during the agitations by regularizing the act. Within an year of new state formation, this dissatisfaction from NGOs was an unexpected one and we need to see if CM KCR acts on this at least now!