The Mahabubnagar ZPTC general body meeting took a violent turn today as the TRS MLA Guvvala Balaraju slapped the Congress MLA C Ram Mohan Reddy after an intense altercation. The scuffle took place after the BJP, TDP and Congress MLAs displayed placards and gave slogans against TRS’ failures in the district. Congress MLAs demanded the T-government to declare Mahabubnagar a draught hit district.
Deeply appalled by the TRS MLA’s attack, Ram Mohan Reddy protested in front of ZP Chairman podium, demanding him to take severe action on the Balaraju. In turn, Balaraju alleged that the Congress MLA abused him with and demanded the ZP Chairman to file cases on Ram Mohan Reddy under prevention of SC/ST atrocities act.
Incidentally, the verbal brawl which led to a physical fist fight, took place in front of former Congress Minister DK Aruna. Speaking of TRS MLA’s violent behavior, the DK Aruna alleged that it’s nothing new to Balaraju to attack people. In early August, Balaraju was in news for allegedly manhandling a physically challenged person who approached him for pension.