Sweety Anushka recently began the shooting of her Baahubali – The Conclusion and new project, Bhagmathi in the direction of Pilla Zamindar fame Ashok. The actress is very excited about Bhagmathi and is working out hard to get in shape of the role. The actress is on a strict diet regime and severe workout sessions, the actress reportedly lost 18 Kgs so far.
We are said that the shooting will go non-stop till completion. As per the plan now, the movie is being planned for Sankranthi-2017 release. On the other side, the makers have made no official announcement about the project and that maintained the suspense about who will play the hero in the film. Sources say that Aadi Pinnisetty is the hero of the film.
Anushka will be shuttling between this project and Baahubali – The Conclusion. Bhagmathi is said to be a heroine oriented horror comedy film. Pilla Jamindar fame Ashok is wielding megaphone for this film starring Anushka. UV Creations, which happens to be one of the most popular and successful production houses in Tollywood in the recent times, is producing the film