Senior director Gunasekhar is fond of our Indian mythology and history. During his early days, he made ‘Bala Ramayanam’ featuring Jr NTR as Lord Ram. After making a few regular movies, he made a biopic on queen ‘Rudramadevi’ with the same title. He is also planning ‘Hiranyakashapa’ with Rana playing the title role.
He recently announced ‘Shaakuntalam’ which will show us the story of Shakuntala and her love story with Dushyanta. Star actress Samantha was roped in to play the Shankuntala in this big-budget film and sources say that Gunasekhar is on the lookout for an other language hero who has a pan-Indian appeal. Since Sam is a star in Tamil and Telugu, he is trying to get a star hero from either Malayalam or Kannada as per reports which makes it easy for the film to have a universal appeal.
Let us wait to find out who plays the role of Dushyanta in this movie. Mani Sharma is composing music while Gunasekhar himself is producing this flick.