From a time, there are various rumours doing rounds about the absence of mega brother in Jabardasth comedy show. Along with former heroine Roja, he used to judge the show and became an integral part of it. But after he chose to contest from Narasapuram as an MP on Janasena ticket, things took a different turn.
Recently with comedian Ali replacing Nagababu and joining Roja, many thought that the change is permanent. As Janasena lost the election big time, some felt that the mega brother will not be taking up the assignment back any sooner. However, it looks like his political loss is forgotten and he’s back to the show.
The latest promo of Jabardasth confirmed that Nagababu is back in the seat and Roja is there as is, giving a total send off to the likes of Meena, Sanghavi, Sekhar Master, Jani Master and Ali. The balance is now even with both Nagababu and Roja being the ones who have contested in the election, while Roja won and the mega brother lost.
Surely mega fans are quite happy with this development as the mood in their camp is quite gloomy ever since Pawan Kalyan and Janasena lost big time in 2019 elections.