Popular Tollywood hero Mahesh Babu is already nearing his 25th film. This Prince Charming has completed 22 films within no time and is doing his 23rd film with Tamil director Murugadoss.If one were to go by the announcement made by ace director Puri Jagannath, Mahesh will be doing his 24th film with him.
So, the curious question is who is going to direct his 25th film? It is learnt Mahesh is planning to rope in either Trivikram or Vikram Kumar. But there is a long way to go for this to materialise.The present film with Murugadoss will take another six months to complete. Then, he has to take up his 24th film which might get ready by summer 2017. Going by this pace, his 25th film will hit the screens only in the end of 2017.
Definitely, it will be made under a prestigious banner. And who will get the chance to produce it? Let us see whether Ashwini Dutt, who made the first film of Mahesh, will grab it at least this time.