The Supreme Court of India asked the Andhra Pradesh State Assembly to take a final decision on the “regret” letter which was written by firebrand YSRCP MLA R K Roja in relation to her alleged and abusive comments against CM Chandrababu Naidu and TDP’s MLA Anitha.Well now the long-drawn battle related to her one-year suspension is more or less coming to a logical conclusion even as people are just wondering who was the winner in the entire episode.
For starters, it has been a huge waste of public money and valuable time of the judiciary.YSRCP feels the Supreme Court gave rap on the TDP government for what they say was blowing a small issue out of proportion and then suspending an MLA. The Supreme Court saying that the TDP government considered it as a prestige issue adds to Jagan camp.
At the same time the TDP leadership is feeling happy that the Supreme Court directive was indeed a slap on the face of Jagan’s party and his MLA Roja. This issue would have calmed down long ago if there was some compromise but none may be seen as a victor while politics in AP has become a loser!