BJP Telangana chief Bandi Sanjay is a disgruntled man these days. He is upset that he does not have a meaty role in the upcoming national executive of the party. While Union Minister G Kishan Reddy has been given the responsibility of organizing the public meeting at the parade grounds, Rajya Sabha MP K Laxman has been made incharge of the HICC, where the national executive committee would be held.
As for Bandi Sanjay, he has been given the responsibility of new joinings into the party on the eve of the national executive committee meeting. However, he could not make much progress in this direction. Sources close to Bandi Sanjay say that the senior leaders of the party are putting spokes in the work of joinings. They are feeding the high command with wrong information about the entrants .
At the same time, he is said to be upset that the party seniors in Telangana are conducting a smear campaign against him on several issues. They are said to be giving the wrong impression about his work. He is upset that several leaders are bypassing him while taking decisions pertaining to the party and to the national executive meeting to be held in Hyderabad.
Sources close to Bandi Sanjay said that he had already taken up the issue with the top leaders of the party. He is said to have complained that the seniors in the party were putting spokes in his works. He is also said to have told the national leaders that he has no proper role in the conduct of the national executive.