YSRCP president Jagan Mohan Reddy, who remained silent for quite some time on the burning issues in Andhra Padesh suddenly started criticising TDP and CM Chandra Babu Naidu. He remembered farmers and went on Rythu Bharosa Yatra and in assembly remembered women,students and other various sections.
He even dared Chandra Babu asking him to withdraw his support to Union Government. Many are left to wonder why Jagan is opposing land acquisition for the construction of new capital. At the same time Jagan demanded allotment of land for his MLA Raju to run a medical college and found fault with Government for allotting land for Ashok Gajapathi Raju for medical college.
Some people are of the opinion that Jagan Mohan Reddy feels he will lose lot of profits if Land pooling is done and lands are acquired and so he is opposing land pooling scheme. He feels many TDP leaders and supporters made lot of money with the scheme and he and his party leaders are deprived of the same.
Jagan according to them is promising farmers to return their lands and start new scheme if he comes to power so that he can earn a bounty through land acquisition. Only Jagan can answer these questions.