Telangana CM and ruling TRS party received huge shock when Attorney General gave all powers to Governor Narasimhan saying that he can call in Telangana and AP police to restore law and order in common capital Hyderabad without waiting for Telangana government.
This burst the bubble out of the argument of TRS government which has been shouting from the roof top that section 8 of AP state reorganisation act is not valid and unconstitutional. They even argued that only Telangana government has powers to take care of law and order.
Now with the unexpected twist and shocker from Attorney General, Telangana media and particulary T News owned by CM KCR and his family members are spreading news that many national leaders started calling CM KCR and urging him to oppose Attorney General’s views and even Governor if he acts according to the section 8.
But many are now wondering why did T-News dragging national leaders and why it didnot name the national leaders who called T CM KCR and urged him to fight. Wonder those who speak about constitution,acts and laws start opposing the same when acts are against them.