Ever since Rajamouli’s ‘Eega’ created a sensation not only at the Tollywood box office but across the world, shocking all, media was abuzz with one story or other about Tollywood Jakkana Rajamouli. They said Bollywood film makers are bracing to accord red carpet welcome to the Darsaka Deera and Kollywood film makers and super stars are longing to act in his direction.
It went ahead and reported that Rajamouli is doing a Rs 120 crs high budget film with Super Star Rajanikanth and another film with sensational star Surya. ‘Eega’ might have minted money but is on its descending flight with in a month and is debut production venture ‘Anadala Rakshasi’ failed to connect with the movie lovers.
Many wonder when Kollywood film industry has so many Rajamouli’s in creative directors like Maniratnam, Shankar, Bala and others why will they let go an opportunity to direct Rajani or Surya to Tollywood director Rajamouli. Mani Ratnam has made many flims like Bombay, Roja, Dil Se, Guru, Yuva, Dalapathi,Shankar came up with sensations like Gentleman, Oke Okkadu, Sivaji, Aparichitudu, Robot, Jeans and others. Even stars in kollywood are unlike our telugu heroes who run after kollywood directors, music directors ignoring local talent. It has to be seen whether Rajamouli will ever direct kollywood super stars.