IT Minister K T Rama Rao on Thursday launched a blistering attack on Telugu Desam president and AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu for his remarks at Mahanadu that he had only developed Hyderabad and Telangana during the TD rule.
Talking to the media here on Wednesday, the IT minister rebutted in strong words that Naidu, who suspected a possible attack and revolt by the people if the Mahanadu was conducted in Andhra Pradesh, had conveniently shifted it to Hyderabad.
“We are not ready to take Naidu’s remarks of developing Hyderabad and Telangana”, he said and wanted to know why the former failed to win the elections if he really developed the city.
KTR said Nizamabad MP Kavitha, Irrigation Minister T. Harish Rao and himself became leaders as people wanted and elected them.
Referring to suicides during the statehood struggle, KTR attributed them to incompetence of Telugu Desam and Congress governments.
“Of course, these two parties are equally responsible for the suicides committed by students and youth during Telangana agitation”, he charged.