There have been numerous speculations around the 100th film of Balakrishna than ever before. Initially it was publicized that Singeetam Srinivasa Rao is directing him for Aditya 999. Later, an interesting title ‘Ramarao Garu’ has come into light and was said that Patas fame Anil Ravipudi is going to direct this.
After a while, there is news that Boyapati who has given many hits to Balayya will be holding the megaphone of his 100th film. Eventually the names of Krish and Krishna Vamsi started sounding. Finally Balakrishna revealed the theme of his 100th film and stated that Krish is working on it.
With this, some media sites are jumping in merry claiming that the news they broke turned true. But what they should know is nothing is finalized yet and the decision is still pending between Krish and Krishna Vamsi.
And we got the news that Krish has and edge for the only reason that the subject is based on Goutamiputra Satakarni of Amaravathi. Since Amaravathi is the new capital of AP, and since it is never touched historical film, many around Balayya are inclined on this.
Krishna Vamsi’s subject is based on farmers and it goes a bit against to government in general. Since there are chances that it may appear as if opposing Chandrababu’s government, it’s kept on hold. We have to wait for two days to get official announcement.