After years, precisely after completing 50 years journey in film industry, veteran director and fondly known as ‘Darsakendrudu’, K Raghavendra Rao started opening his mouth in front of camera. All these years he is limited to calling shots behind the camera, but never ventured into giving interviews and speeches at least for the sake of his films. ‘Soundaryalahari’ is the show where his ‘mounam’ got permanently silent and he started sharing valuable stuff from his life.
Initially this show was said to be anchored by popular face of Telugu small screen, Suma Kanakala. As she happens to be queen of anchoring, and a quite regular on ETV in particular, Suma is expected to take the mantle. But finally Lasya ended up uttering those beautiful, poetic, flattering lines about Darsekendrudu and his guests. And from recent two episodes, another anchor has replaced Lasya. People who have got habituated to Lasya’s childish like talking suddenly got a jolt with this. And now, we hear that Suma will be finally replacing everyone. Why these changes director sir? Are TRPs not as good as you expected or what?