TRS leaders are renowned for illogical arguments and its chief and CM of Telangana KCR leads the pack. KCR of late is arguing that Andhra Pradesh government should get the permission of Telangana along with Maharashtra and Karnataka to proceed with Pattiseema project.
KCR commented “AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu is stalling his Government’s intention to give water to 10 lakh acres by constructing Palamuru project at Mahaboobnagar by coming with his Pattiseema project stealing the water.
AP government should get the consent of Telangana along with Maharashtra and Karnataka states”. However cunning KCR thinks that none can see through the shallowness of his argument. He is forgetting the fact that Pattiseema project is constructed at a low lying area while Palamuru is takenup at high level region.
How can Andhra Pradesh steal water from Palamuru project which is at the higher altitude. Only if Telangana government releases the water, AP can never steal it. Water after reaching Pattiseema couldn’t be diverted to any farm lands and it only goes into the sea.
One wonder why KCR is opposing Pattiseema project. Infact if any state is constructing projects at higher altitudes then it should take permission from low lying states, meaning KCR should get the permission from AP Government.