Entrepreneur, film producer, and YCP leader PVP is back in news. He has been targeting his opponent and Vijayawada MP Kesineni Nani every now and then. PVP, who lost to Nani with a tender majority, has shared that his wife is the highest tax payer in AP and took potshots at Kesineni Nani.
Stating that his wife Jhansi Sureddi has paid a whopping Rs 44.78 Crore tax on 31st July which is highest in Andhra Pradesh, PVP in a post on his social media page hit out at his rival Kesineni Nani and challenged him to be a role model tax payer. Along with this, a picture of the tax receipt was also posted by PVP.
The verbal war between PVP and Kesineni Nani has become personal with each taking pot shots at one another. In his FB post, PVP said, “The tax paid by your dad, his dad and you together in the last 90 years would be lesser than the tax I have paid in a year. If you are a man, be a role-model tax payer.”
These comments have been directly indicated at Kesineni Nani whose father, fore-father have been in the transport business. Nani and his aides are said to be fuming over PVP for his post and waiting for a perfect time to give a befitting counter. Nani had leveled severe allegations against PVP and his alleged financial fraud during 2019 poll campaign. Since then the war of words between PVP and Nani continues to take place every now and then