Wife’s Shocking gift to Husband’s Second Marriage!


A wife gave a shocking gift to her husband who is getting married for the second time. She made sure the man gets Traffic Challans worth 50 Lakhs by the night of his marriage. It is said that the woman is very much annoyed with her husband getting ready for second marriage.

In order to teach him a lesson, she took his vehicle and gave it to her brother. She asked him to violate all the traffic rules in main roads making sure the vehicle is caught on the surveillance cameras. The brother did the same and the traffic officials were busy generating the challans.
With this the officials have impose penalty of 50 Lakh to the vehicle and sent them to the groom exactly on the marriage night. The man nearly fainted seeing the bill. This incident happened in Dubai and the video regarding this is going viral on social networking sites.According to the rules in Dubai, the vehicle owner is responsible when he lets some one use his vehicle and that person violates the c.